Our Story
My Grandfather Dees was a beekeeper who inspired my love for the craft and interest, into the world of beekeeping. He was also a businessman and had many investments from real estate, to orange groves and fields of strawberries. For me, nothing brings back childhood memories faster than the smell of orange blossoms in the springtime. I am the youngest of his grandchildren, so maybe that's why I spent more time with him in his admired apiary.

My husband Mark and I have several acres in Brush Prairie which houses our wonderful 20+ hive and apiary. We have a thriving farm with pigs, chickens, dogs, natural wildflowers, a vegetable and herb garden, berry patch, as well as annual and perennial flowers for the bees to enjoy. We take pride in using only natural products and absolutely no pesticides on our farm to protect our natural bee pollinators.
We also sell this honey in our storefront. We're proud to offer local, raw, organic honey that has been tested for quality and purity. Mark and I are passionate about the unseen, but vitally important role that bees play in our survival as humans and ability to thrive on Earth. Bees provide us with so much more than just their glorious, natural bi-product – honey.